There has always been, and I expect will always be, people who just like to complain, argue and start fights. Distancing yourself from those types of people may make your life much better — unless, of course, you are one of those people.
Online bickering is nothing new. It existed in the 1970s/1980s on bulletin board systems. It existed later on text-based information networks such as CompServer, GEnie, and Delphi. It existed on graphical networks such as AOL, MSN, PC-Link, etc.
It existed on the Internet on newsgroups, then later web message boards, and the trend continues with social networks like Facebook, Twitter, etc. Any platform that allows user responses, such as video comments on YouTube, will have this.
Watching the latest drama unfold about certain YouTube video posters just reminds me of the same type of drama in the usenet groups from almost thirty years ago. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
YouTube has its own level of drama, with nitpickers nitpicking Disneyland video bloggers, and other nitpickers nitpicking Walt Disney World video bloggers. Meanwhile, over on Twitter, several sites are constantly bashed and accused of being click-bait sites. One of them even has a legacy dating back to the early years of Disney fan podcasting, so you’d think that would give them some leeway in later generations of media. I guess not.
If you are caught up in the griping about Disneyland YouTubers right now, posting your thoughts in other videos, REDDIT threads and elsewhere, try this simple tip to improve your life:
Don’t watch them, and unsubscribe if you are subscribed.
It’s a simple as that. Let people who enjoy the content enjoy it, and move on with your life. Nothing is gained by griping about something you don’t like. Only other gripers care. The rest of us just move on and enjoy life.
Try it sometime.
It works great!