Omega Mart. You have no idea.

Deep inside Area 15 (yes, 15) in Las Vegas is Omega Mart. To the casual observe, it looks like any old grocery store… but looks can be very deceiving.

This commercial from two years ago is one of the more up-front videos about the attraction, but when videos started appearing online in 2021, they were far more cryptic.

For instance, take a look at this old Omega Mart TV ad…

“Local coast to coast” and “your family won’t be the same” seemed … odd.

Even the more modern commercials also show that something is not quite right here.

Nebula loaf?

There were also bizarre product ads, like this one for Shrubs, the avocado-flavored French fry treats.

There are even videos about Plenty Valley and how it came to be at Omega Mart.

I fell down this Omega Mart rabbit hole quite deeply. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of Omega Mart videos. Some are presented as TV ads for the grocery store itself, promoting special deals. Others are for what I assume are “store brand” products. And others are like weird informercials…

The videos were scattered around the internet on YouTube, social media, websites and more, so I expect there are plenty I have yet to see. Fortunately, some folks have collected them and put together compilations of all the videos they have found.

And the rabbit hole went even deeper: There are internal employee training videos! Here are all the sections presented as one long video.

So just what IS Omega Mart?

Beats me! And we spent over five hours exploring it.

Here is my VR walkthrough of a tiny bit of it. In the future, I’ll share some thoughts and explanations.

Until then…

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